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Popular names in Georgian/Regency times

The 18th Century began the Georgian period, named after the several King George's. King George I originated from Germany and spoke very little English, choosing to return to his homeland often. This had a Germanic effect on names in the aristocracy and this filtered down into the upper class and gentry. Working class parents tended to favour more biblical names. In all the popular Georgian name lists I have looked at, I can always find Jane near the top. Jane is of Hebrew origin and means God is Gracious. As Jane's father George Austen was a rector, this is hardly surprising. Whilst not as popular as it once was, Jane is still a fairly common name.

There was not a taste for finding unusual or distinctive names as there is today, although some men were sometimes given surnames as first names. It is hard to judge women's names though as they were not often referred to by their first name as it was considered improper, unless the acquaintance was close. I was surprised to see so many of the names used in Georgian times are still popular and used today. Below are lists of some common girls and boys names in Jane Austen's time, quite a few of which you will recognise from her novels, family and friends:

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